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Sunday, 25 May 2014
Understanding, Benefits And Insurance Type
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enjoy your life in the elderly
Understanding, the benefits and types of insurance-Insurance is very much in need of people to guarantee, will share the understanding, the benefits and types of insurance. What is insurance? What are its benefits? What are the Types? refer just understanding, benefits and insurance type.
Understanding, the benefits and types of AsuransiMenurut law No. 2 of 1992, article 1:
"Insurance or coverage is an agreement between two or more parties, with which the Insurer committing yourself to the insured, by accepting the insurance premium, to provide the insured replacement due to loss, damage or lost profits expected, or legal liability to third parties which may be suffered by the insured arising out of an event that is not definitely, or to provide a payment based upon the life of someone who died or dipertanggungkan".In fact, insurance is a contract between a customer's insurance (the insured) the insurance company (insurer) concerning the transfer of risk from the customer to the insurance company.
The risks include: possible loss of transferred material which can be assessed with the client's money, as a result of the occurrence of an event which may/not bound to happen (Uncertainty of Occurrence & Uncertainty of Loss). For Example:
1. Risk of burning buildings and/or property in it as a result of human negligence, lightning strikes, the current short.
2. the risk of damage to car because of traffic accidents, loss due to theft.
3. Death or personal injury due to an accident, it hurts.
4. flooding, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, Tsunamis
Understanding, benefits and insurance AsuransiSetiap Types must be useful, which in general benefits are:
1. to provide a guarantee of protection from risk-the risk of losses suffered one party.
2. increase efficiency, since it does not need to be specifically made for security and surveillance to provide protection that takes a lot of effort, time and cost.
3. Transfer of risk; By paying a relatively small premiums, a person or company can move the uncertainty of life and treasure the chance (risk) to insurance companies.
4. equitable distribution of costs, that is quite simply by issuing a certain amount and expenses do not need to replace/pay for itself a number of losses arising are not necessarily and not definitive.
5. the basis for the bank to provide credit because the bank requires guarantees of the protection of the collateral given by the borrower money.
6. As for savings, because the amount paid to the insurance will be returned in greater numbers. This is especially applicable to life insurance.
7. close the Loss of Earning Power of a person or business entity
Understanding, benefits and insurance AsuransiJenis Types can be outlined as follows:
1. fire insurance
Fire insurance is insurance that charged loss due to fires that occur on the Mainland.If a building has been insured against fire disasters, the inclusion in the Treaty.
2. Transport Insurance
Transport insurance is insurance against risks likely charged haulage.
Transport insurance can be divided into:
a. land-river transport Insurance
b. ocean freight Insurance
c. air transport Insurance.
3. life insurance
Agreement between the parties, the parties listed therein which promised to pay the premium and the other party promises to pay an amount of money that you have determined if the person insured dies or no later than at the time specified. Life insurance is an agreement between a consumer and an insurance company stating that the insurance company will provide the compensation amount if the consumer dies, or a certain time until covered. With this insurance, the families left behind feel secure in terms of finance, although this is not diharap-harap.
The market share of life insurance in our country is very potential. 2001 10,71% of the population is already becoming consumers life insurance, as expressed by AAJI = life insurance Association of Indonesia.
Life insurance consists of two types namely:
a. the insurance capital, on this insurance has been listed in the policy that when it comes time (insurance period runs out/dies) then the indemnity will be paid all at once.
b. Insurance life a living, here damages payable periodically during that dipertanggungkan is still alive
4. Credit Insurance
Risk-the possibility of granting credit charged to others. In this insurance only indemnify extended 75% of losses.In our country ever LJKK (Cooperative Credit Guarantee Institutions) which gives a guarantee to the Bank, against lending cooperatives.
5. Theft Insurance
Included in this theft insurance should be mentioned one by one the insured goods. If there is a risk, then the goods will be replaced.
6. Insurance companies
Insured losses this concerns companies that harmed by any cause that can stop/inhibit the activity of the company.Replace the disadvantage normally based on the gross profit of the company's activity has been stopped because of spite.
7. car insurance
Dipertanggungkan risk in the insurance of motor vehicles include: vehicle loss or damage caused by collision, collision, reversed, slipping in the way, so anything, because the evil deeds of others, theft, fire, lightning, also includes losses due to uru hara, and total lost from the vehicle.
8. insurance against liability for law
Made to keep the insurance in case we do mistakes that can harm a person or property of a person.
9. Labor Insurance (Astek)
Labor insurance i.e. insurance venture set up by the Government to bear the risk that befell labour inside/factory.With this insurance services entrepreneurs and the public generally can reduce/relieve this plague.In addition to the expected economic protection insurance, financially by providing facilities that can help the interests of the people.
Open A Business Without Capital
Pioneering the business really isn't difficult-very difficult. Anyone can, even without the penny. Thus, maintaining a business that the most difficult and most important. Many businesses fail in the middle of the road because of the preparation and execution of less mature.
Do Your homework first before you start doing business. You must know who and what is required of the customer, including the uniqueness of your business than competitors. If you think it's got answers to all three of these questions, then you can already start attempt.
Most importantly, if your product niche, then individual investors and investment companies will be generously invest their money in your business. If you include people who have an innovative idea but had no capital, check out some of the following tips are offered from
Borrow money
Friends are there when needed, this is a true friend. Ever heard the phrase like this? Well, borrow money from friends and explain to him about potential product will You launch. Reassure him how much profit you can get from a niche product that's brilliant. But don't be too gushing, explain with a reasonable calculation. In addition to friends, you can also borrow money from relatives of the family.
Rent the place
Once with the term SOHO? That is, small office home office. So you don't have to rent the place giddy again for Office. If you have any leftover space in the home, change so Office space.
Search the working partners
Search for colleagues from the circle of friends or relatives You would want to invest into your business. Maybe this can lighten the load at the same time helping you get new ideas. Might as well, you and your colleagues could create new miracles.
Employ staff with the system for results
There is nothing wrong with the system of employing people for the results. You can save a lot of money and they will fully support your business.
Create a website
Google offers free websites for small to medium businesses. So you don't need to spend a lot of money to create and design a website. Business websites can hook many new customers. Copy and paste the URL of the website to your personal social networking accounts, and then ask for the help of friends to promote to their acquaintances. You probably prosecuting potential customers is very large.
If your business does not directly generate a profit (most do not), fokuslah to continue to improve your business and find out if there is something wrong.
Looking for a part time job
Usually you will face many challenges in raising capital. So if You have time or opportunity to work part time, take it. Invest half of the paycheck to your business.
Negotiate everything
Everything can be dinegosiasi. So, negotiate with banks to help pemodalan your business. A lot of banks out there that want to lend collateral-free loans for start-ups and SMEs. Make sure the bank about the greatness and potential of your products.
If you open your business without capital you need not fear losing anything
How To Choose Your Insurance
in the first part, we already discussed about the importance of life insurance. Including the difference in life insurance and unit link.
In this second part, shelled surrounding the charges imposed for the unit link, which of course is different from regular insurance.
First, please be aware that despite the sweeteners mentioned above, there are fees charged to clients, namely administrative costs, the cost of managing the investment and acquisition costs, those costs are additional expenses excluding cost of insurance (cost of mortalita magnitude depending on gender, age and the amount of money Insured, policy holder health conditions also affect the magnitude of this cost), here is an explanation of costs on the unit links:
1. administrative expenses
Based on the data that we receive the range administrsi cost is Rp 20.000,-to Rp 30,000,-per month or $ 240,000,-up to $ 360,000 per year. These costs will continue to be charged during the validity period of insurance.
2. allocation of the cost of the premium
The insurance company charge you this in advance before and any funds into the investment portion. These fees are generally of 5% of the funds invested and there was also a method using bid-offer price of incoming funds will be divided by the selling price (offer price) as well as the funds out or withdrawn by the customer will be multiplied by the purchase price (bid price). The difference of the bid-offer price usually by 5% (generally calculated from the offer price). For customers who want to withdraw its investments from link units that use the methods of the bid-offer price absolute must calculate the rate of growth that is taking place since those funds coming in, minus the difference between bid-offer price.
3. the premium Allocation Charges (Special Unit Regular Links)
In addition to the above costs, the cost of other premium allocation is still charged in the first 5 years with a range of up to 100% of the premiums paid after cut insurance costs at the beginning of the first year, the range of this cost will be down periodically to 0% at the beginning of the year to 6 times the policy is running.
However there is a small portion of the product unit links in Indonesia who allocate investment in the first year by 20% to 100% of base premium in the first year. At first glance it looks interesting, but after research proved extraordinary expenses charged to the customer, not least as an illustration of a prospective customer would pay a basic premium that much greater if the prospective customer buying the product link units are starting to allocate investments since the first year compared to link units that do not allocate their investment in the first year (see table 1).
4. Investment Management Fees
Insurance companies also charge the management of Investments by investment manager whose magnitude varies between 0.5% to 3% per year and are already accounted for in the price of the unit. The level of this fee depends on the type of investment that is chosen by the customer (fixed income mutual fund, stock or a mixture), the magnitude of the funds managed, as well as the desired profit by life insurance companies.
5. Unit cost single premium Links
On a single premium payment or single premium (i.e. payment of the premium is only a one time payment and there is no obligation in the following year but if you want to add a portion of investment are allowed), this type of policy also imposes costs such as the cost of acquisition of the fixed amount is typically 5% of the total single premium and/or the funds in the Top Up (added), administrative fee to cover the cost of the initial range of $ 240,000 policiesup to Rp 300.000,-usually worn in the first year. The guaranteed sum assured is equal to 150% of your initial investment, if no withdrawals at a later date by the customer. However, if withdrawal occurs later, the sum assured will be reduced.
In line with the length of time the investment, if the growth of investment funds have exceeded the sum assured if there is a risk of death, the benefits obtained by the beneficiary of the investment grade. Conversely, if the value of the investment turned out to be smaller than the sum assured then heirs obtained benefit is equal to sum assured, with a note if the development investment value is not smaller than the costs which have been mentioned above.
Non Unit Link Combination With Mutual Funds
Let us examine more about traditional term life insurance product with this type of YRT (Yearly Renewable Term) that have a high sum assured however with a relatively very low premiums. The cost of the insurance is the insurance fee is charged to cover the cost of mortalita, the magnitude of the variable (depending on age, gender, health factors and the sum assured) is paid periodically in the form of premiums as well as certain increased every year, in line with the increase of the age of the customer.
Even so, the relatively small and its increase in dikombina
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